It's Sat-ur-day and god was blessing me to watch New Moon today. Tee Hee! :D
Jadi aku nonton di Mega Mall sama meme, irene, mutia. Untung aja pas beli tiket tu studionya ga full, trus aku dapet tempat duduk di F. Not bad, at least pas selesai nonton nyampe rumah gausah manggil tukang pijet leher. Jadi ceritanya aku udah GASABAR pengen nonton New Moon, secara gebetan aku (Taylor Lautner) bakal nampang disitu. Wuwuwuwuwuwuwuwu :D
Okay skip skip skip langsung ke inti ceritanya aja
I'm in LOVE with New Moon hey sugarbellls!!!!!!!!! Are you? I bet you are, and it's a MUST! Because I saw a goddamn EICH-OW-TI (read : H-O-T) people ever seen around the universe, one ad only, TAYLOR LAUTNER a.k.a JACOB BLACK! Oh people just admit it that he's totally EICH-OW-TI!

God I've been melt into the ground when I saw this picture! You're the real deal of Eich-ow-ti Taylor!
See people?! See it already?! Already know the reason why I adore this goddamn EICH-OW-TI guy?! But, I also like the vampire guy, Edward Cullen yes Robert Pattinson. But actually his skin is just too pale, just like a sick people. So here's picture from New Moon

Here's the volturi :

(I love Dakota here. Looks so evil. Your act definitely great!)

Bella-Edward and Bella-Jacob scenes :

Okay Bella, would you just pick one of the guys up there? One only. Be consists on one guy only and please don't be greedy. How could an EICH-OW-TI werewolf and flawless vampire fall in love with a common girl like Isabella Swan? Oh guys please I bet that Bella's story never ever happen in the real life. Agree with me?
So it ends up here, chao sugarbells

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