
A pinky swear

It's 0:10 a.m, just had a rough talk with parents. University linked with its fee never been this fking hard. Why God give me a choice? Please ._. No, i am feel so so bless cause not all the people may get what i have just now. Both are good. Berry good i can tell you so. Berry good enough to tear me apart also ._.
And yea to you, my best friend, perfect lover, sweetest enemy, best partner in crime, reliable sharing buddy, adorable motivator, wise advisor, (and hopefully a lifetime mate haha kidding) please be good, be nice, be the best :) I know you are good enough to prove who you are, you may get and deserve the BEST :) Believe in me? You have to bring the best out of you cause I'll be watching and supporting for all the things that you do and plan to do :) cause bestfriend comes through thick and thin right? I'll always have my hand open and head headed up pray to God for our good. Cause we're a team that's what really matters :)
No matter how many miles we've got to count from the soil that I stepped on to yours, no matter how many numbers will prove its far, I'll forever be by your side :) Seems impossible but all you got to do is just believe in you, in your heart that I will surely do what I promise to you :) I'm a keeper so don't you ever worry.
Maybe now we come through a way which is harsh, facing our hard time, but sure there'll be a day when we both smile without worrying any miles any separation any distance any harsh things even laugh to it. In that day things turn awesome just because we were once through push and pull. Like someone said "No great love ever comes without a great struggle" :)
You and I are still be able to make up and turns our dreams to reality, we know we do :) We are the best and get blessed, we knew it. So let's turn a new chapter with me, hold it tight. Make me sure that you'll always by my side no matter how hard the storm will comes by and be the obstacle.
(Hopefully)I'll be coming to your Wisuda Jurit on November. Wanna hear your name being called on that podium. I want to see you look very nice in the 'Blue' or 'Brown' and not bald, of course (cause I can't stop laughing hahaha) and take a picture with you. And also you owe me a promise, better not to forget haha.
"No matter where you go, I won't be very far, cause in my heart I'll be right there where you are. Cause love has no distance baby, no. Love has no distance baby, no. Not when it comes to you and me." Salam jari kelingking :)

N.b : Rifda and Meutia are waiting for your skype :D

Sincerely yours,



How harsh the storm is, you'll have to survive and breaking thru :)

Jadi sekarang ceritanya lagi sibuk nyiapin berkas sana sini buat daftar ulang. Iya, setelah melewati proses panjaaaaaaaaaaaang akhirnya berkah Ramadhan dateng juga hehehe o:) tanggal 23 Juli 2013 dari pagi mama papa udah sibuk banget nanyain "pengumumannya udah belum mbak?" Malah sampe dikira salah buka website -__- Sampe akhirnya jam 16.00 habis bangun tidur, penasaran ngecek website kirakira udah ada apa belum pengumumannya, dan ternyata udah ada 3 pengumuman nampang disitu. Rada degdegan, di klik link pertama, scrolling sampe bawah kok namanya ngga ada, udah makin degdegan plus keringet dingin. Scrolling lg ke atas, ternyata salah buka link, itu link buat jalur prestasi -___-
Back ke halaman sebelumnya, terus klik link kedua yang disuruh masukin nomer peserta. Refleks banget ya tangan tremor waktu masukin nomer peserta hahaha dan alhamdulillah hasilnya kaya gini :)

Alhamdulillah wa syukurillah segala macam pujian diucapin. Memang sesungguhnya Allah maha pemurah, maha adil atas apa yang telah diusahakan hambaNya. Dan terbukti usaha keras itu memang tidak pernah mengkhianati. Hanya tinggal tunggu waktunya kapan. Belum tentu hari ini, esok, lusa, minggu depan, bulan depan, 5 bulan lagi, atau bahkan bertahuntahun lagi, tetap akan ada hasil setimpal yang Allah swt berikan. Asalkan hambaNya tidak pernah menyerah dan tetap meminta kepadaNya :) Ah ya itu, berkah ramadhan sebenarnya, dan juga doadoa yang udah dikirimin, really matters :) Dan terlebih lagi buat semua greetingsnya, ah so fulfilled and thankful banget :)
Dan ya selang 2 hari kemudian, ceritanya habis mandi pagi ponsel bunyi, yaaa palingan dari operator paling setia ya, eh ternyata nggaaaaaaa :D yaampun setelah sekian lama bocah satu ini dikerangkeng kirain udah lupa ngabarin hahahaha. Tapi glad to hear that, Cadet :D

        (forget my hysterical text -___-)

Dan juga hari itu diumumin hasil pantukhir catar akpol, alhamdulillah my batch did it too well, can't be more grateful! :D
Subhanallah deh, ini yg namanya berkah ramadhan. Ya mungkin ga semua orang dapet hal yang sama, sebenernya itu semua tergantung atas segala hal yang dilakuin selama ini. Karena setiap perbuatan akan dapat ganjaran yang setimpal. Ya lakukan hal baik kalau ingin hasil yang baik pula, hukum alam, fellas :)

Nb : ospek ribet banget tugasnya banyak someone help!!!! 


Now it's your time :)

So, you've been leaving since 7th July, till don't know when. Kenapa ya bisa seberat itu waktu kamu pamit, benerbener susah, ya rasanya kayak nggak bakal ketemu lagi. Apalagi waktu tanggal 6 sore kamu bilang kalau kamu udah mau masuk, dan itu posisi lagi di toko tas, refleks banget rintikrintiknya -_____- dan selang beberapa jam kemudian kamu bilang nggak jadi. Yaampooooon udah bikin Surabaya hampir banjir -____-
Dan ya itu paginya kamu sempet nelfon gitu kan, tibatiba lagi ngomong2 eh eh eh refleks lagi. That's why aku bilang ke kamu supaya nggak nelfon lagi daripada aku tambah nggak kuat T.T Dan jadilah pagi itu ngedengerin sederetan lagu galau wahahaha nggak banget yaaa. Nih listnya nih :
  1. Daylight - Maroon 5 (THE BEST OF ALL)
  2. Hands To Heaven - Christian Bautista (credits to Kak Aya for recommending hehe)
  3. Christina Perri - Distance
  4. Jason Mraz - I Won't Give Up
  5. Secondhand Serenade - Distance
  6. A Rocket To The Moon - Ever Enough
  7. Marcel - Firasat
  8. Chrisye - Untukku
  9. Plain White T's - Hey There Delilah (lagu kebangsaan!)
  10. One Direction - Moments
  11. SO7 - Seberapa Pantas
  12. AJ Rafael - She Was Mine
  13. Endah N Rhesa - Wish You Were Here
Galau banget kan? Hahahaa. Plus konsultasi ke para Guru Besar yang udah ngalamin duluan, dikasih quotes2 yang isinya nggak nahan banget uwaaah >.<
Tapi yah mau  gimana lagi, toh kita samasama ngejar impian masingmasing kan. Aku pengen jadi ini kamu pengen jadi itu. Nanti juga insyaAllah we'll meet up again, sooner or later (hope it's gonna be sooner).
Masih bersyukur juga sempet ditemenin muterin Jogja seharian :) Yah walaupun pasti bakal miss banget sih karena emang sehariharinya yang nemenin ya kamu. Yang ngebangunin tahajud ya kamu, dan mungkin emang bener ya kalau kamu bilang yang paling bisa banguin tu ya kamu, karena sekarang bunyi alarm aja nggak denger :(
Yaudah deh, bapak kadet, I've got to get used to when there's no you anymore. Kind of hard but believe me I can!!! My prays will always be with you, whenever and wherever is that. May you do the same thing, 'cauase I'm still in the case of searching and put up my best effort for the future :) God bless you and me :)

taken by : komang ayu
Okay dear, looking forward to give me a call, and to meet you up on October, cadet :)

n.b : Distance means so little when someone means so much :)


July's Pleasure

"All I know is you held the door
You'll be mine and I'll be yours
All I know since yesterday
Everything has changed"

Yesterday was one of my BEST day :) Be with you who was accompanying me for the WHOLE day loooong was ever enough :) We were talking, laughing, filming, taking photo and having dinner :) Planned to visit Taman Pelangi but couldn't make it. And then you got me home then talked to both of my sisters and mom. Still remembered your funny face when you got nervous and stared at my help for many times wkwkwk I enjoy it anyway :P

Goodluck captain for your 7th of July. Going to miss my partner in crime :( See you in October (hope it aint gonna take much time to wait for)
Hetyuuuu capt :3